Too Late on the Edit for This Post to Be timestamped Accurately Anymore, Oh No! Whatever.
Remember what I said about falling into despair this semester? That's happening. [Edit 2022-03-03]: This post used to be like eight paragraphs but it does not need to be. I went thru and held down my delete button on my phone. Felt right to do. my eyes feel like they're bleeding, why is my brightness so low?
I am enjoying working on the site again, and building it up for fun does keep me sane, but I do have to be cautious with keeping this pursuit from precluding all others.
As such: going forward, RabbitQuest I: Limbi Machinarii will be updated... sparsely, I think. I still work on it even when I'm not working on it. I sketch things out on paper before I take to slamming my head against my keyboard until each node becomes a functional HTML page.
Site Updates [2022-03-02]
- Some things moved from the scrapyard to Graphics proper.
Also put a bunch of new graphics into the site's files and started throwing them into the scrapyard. It's half gallery, half playground. I sketch out my vignettes there with the goal of eventually dropping it all into the actual Graphics document. I've just done a drop for the first time, then some formatting tweaks on the stuff I moved. It's still not quite finished over there, but I'm happy to finally give homes to the wizard guardians of the site.
- Added new poetry and shuffled things around a bit.
I might have to figure out a new graphic theme here. I'm running out of bottled drugs, and I certainly don't need to use my only panacea. Maybe I'll just reuse these, I don't know. I like the medicine cabinet.